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Certification information


Acquired the Bucheon City Corporation safety and health management sys…

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Writer igc인증원
Comment 0Times Lookup 4,554psc Date Created 20-09-15 17:15


Acquired the Bucheon City Corporation
safety and health management system (ISO45001) certification

Bucheon City Corporation (CEO Dong-ho Kim) announced on the 15th that it has acquired the international safety and health management certification (ISO45001).

ISO 45001 is the highest level of international Certification System on Safety and Health established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 2018. After a strict evaluation of the overall safety and health management system to prevent various types of risks and industrial accidents in the workplace Certification is awarded.

Since the beginning of the year, the Corporation has enacted safety and health manuals, procedures, and guidelines in accordance with international standards, and has taken corrective action by finding risk factors for work, and facilities at all business sites.

In addition, through systematic management and operation by an accredited system, a detailed process was established to improve on-site safety facilities and operated in an exemplary manner, thus becoming recognized as an excellent workplace.

안전보건경영시스템(ISO45001)인증 획득

[Picture description] Bucheon Urban Corporation Safety and Health Management System (ISO45001)
Group photo with certification

Since its inception, the Corporatio has taken the lead in establishing a safety management system by reinforcing the manpower in the safety department with safety first management', training the importance of safety to all employees, and establishing SOP (standard operating procedures).

Even after certification, we plan to support training for Safety and Health experts for continuous and professional follow-up management, and to maintain the Safety and Health management system through regular monitoring and workplace risk assessment.

CEO Dong-ho Kim said, “The acquisition of this certification is meaningful in that the city corporation's efforts to create a social value of safety' such as establishing a safety culture and preventing industrial accidents have been recognized. We will do our best to ensure that Bucheon citizens can use the facilities safely and comfortably by establishing a safety-oriented management system.”

Bucheon = Reporter Seok-Cheol Jeong

[ Source ]

Gyeonggi Daily
(Original article)

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